

Shift that high-speed brain of yours down a few gears. It's time to plod and ponder.

Sounds about right, if you ask me. I know I owe another update and I will get to it tomorrow. But first I need to read a bit and then pass out for the night. I have major laundry to do tomorrow or at least some general room cleaning. But tomorrow night I plan on making Emily and her Mom (Not you Big J, sorry.) Eggplant Parmesan because thats just how we roll around here.

I've had a great couple of days. And I haven't been this happy in a long time.


Bastit said...

I'm back! :)
Yes, I'm alive, I was too distracted with the word this days (weeks?) and I left a few things without the proper attention.

Eggplants Parmesan sounds amazing!
I was trying new pumpkin recipes, my fridge is geting filled with tattoed pumpkins and I need to get rid of them, so I'm becoming too creative in the kitchen.

Try to post pictures of the eggplants! :3

And I'm glad you are happy. ♥

Bastit said...

I meant "world". -__- "Too late to think in proper english".

Jen said...

Pictures happen on my facebook :p Jenboyd469@hotmail.com if you wanna find me :p