
Alex: The next Cubs Second baseman...Sorta

Today was a stunning day. It was beautiful outside and yet I sat in my room online and then cleaning. But I did enjoy some of the nice weather when I headed to Alex's baseball game with my sister and Emily my Niece.

As you can imagine, it was a hoot due to small children playing an organized sport. And I use the term "Organized" Loosely. Here are some pictures and videos of the game. And not to mention after the game where for ten minutes we hung out in the back yard.

Alex was all smiles as he stepped up to the plate. I think all the kids looked like bobble heads, which is funny as heck!

Alex didn't run, he shuffled. Far more interested in the cloud of dust he created than actually getting to base. Note the holding up of the helmet to see- They are all bobble heads!

Here is Alex Shuffling to first- And yes the demonic laughter is mine.

All in all it was a fun game and now I will spam this post with pictures and movies of the lovely evening I had!

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