
AIM: The most effective way to fight.

sleepybored1186 (2:06:39 PM): got your IM
sleepybored1186 (2:36:11 PM): gotta say im pretty hurt....but if thats what you want...
sleepybored1186 (3:11:00 PM): quick question though- did you say anything to chris?
WickedYDork (3:13:48 PM): I don't have him on my IM and its your choice to tell him, not mine.
sleepybored1186 (3:14:08 PM): so you didnt say anything?
WickedYDork (3:14:29 PM): Why would I?
sleepybored1186 (3:14:37 PM): its a yes or no question
sleepybored1186 (3:14:57 PM): and i dont know- cause you're a bitch?
sleepybored1186 (3:15:03 PM): thats my guess for sure
sleepybored1186 (3:15:05 PM): bye man
WickedYDork (3:17:26 PM): Im a bitch because I don't want to sit around watching you destroy your life, then so be it. As I said last night you're a hypocrite and a bitch for doing it to him. But again, your choice your body. I just cant sit idly by giving advice you're going to ignore.
sleepybored1186 (3:18:29 PM): and you're a hypocrite....so is everyone else. you spent months in your basement drinking
sleepybored1186 (3:18:29 PM): but fine, your choice
sleepybored1186 (3:18:35 PM): again i say, bye mah
sleepybored1186 (3:18:37 PM): *man
WickedYDork (3:19:06 PM): But I never dragged people into my problems and issues and then ignored their advice and help.
sleepybored1186 (3:21:33 PM): oh, you didnt, huh?
sleepybored1186 (3:21:35 PM): lol
sleepybored1186 (3:21:36 PM): k
WickedYDork (4:23:10 PM): I love how through all of this all you care about is the fact that I could have told Chris. Which means you feel guilty since you don't want him to knwo. If it meant nothing you wouldn't give a shit.
WickedYDork (4:23:14 PM): Grow the fuck up, Emily

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