
Dinner party, whats that?

Everyone had something else to do or forgot.

I'm a bit upset, but Emily showed up and raved about my cooking- which I'm glad about. Sent her home with three pieces, two for her and one for her mother. We had fun, watched "Testees" which is a great show about these two friends who are test subjects for crazy ass experimental medicines and stuff. Like one was where they could feel no pain, so one goes to some Piercing chick who is WAY into S&M and frankly, he disappoints her with his lack of pain. The other becomes a action superstar only when the drug wears off... they hurt so bad. It was funny. (You'd probably have to watch it.)

So my father didn't want to drive all this way for home made lasagna, my brother has a job he got called away too and Andrea.. well she had a tattoo appointment. Thats right, shes having her tattoo guy come over to tattoo her in the apartment. lol.

So yea. Great night. Mmmhm.


MrK said...

Well I know you're not mad but I'm a bit upset for you. I know you were looking forward to this day all week and you spent a lot of time on the food too. I'm very sorry people couldn't show up baby and I'm sure your lasagna is delicious. You are a brilliant cook and they do not know what they are missing.

I love you very much <3

Anonymous said...

next time give me a call jen and you can bring the party over here - I know 4 people who would've eaten that lasagna all up (ok - 3 cuz brad may pick it apart more than he eats) but we would have chowed down and we would have let you bring your friend too... :-) Best of all we coulda used my dishes and you wouldn't have to clean up!!! so think about your darling poor sister who works long hours and never can cook a good dinner for her pooor family.... whine whine whine...

Anonymous said...

...i ate the piece you sent for my mom. *sad face*....if she wanted it, she shouldnt have left it in the fridge unattended for a day....