As you can see, I now have internet which means I can post my super long post I wrote yesterday.
December 4th 2008
I feel like I owe you, the readers, a good long blog about my life since last week. Since I still don’t have internet until tomorrow I thought I would start writing things down on word. Plus I have an hour to kill before I have to get ready to go to work.
Monday afternoon Jes called me before I went into work, letting me know that we got the apartment. It would appear that my credit has gone from bad to none. I squealed over the phone for a few minutes before rushing inside to start working. I told everyone there all about it and how thrilled I was. And I was thrilled. I stayed up almost all night that night packing things and cleaning my room.
Wednesday we went to the leasing office and signed the papers and handed over our first rent check. We drove to our new place and stood on the balcony enjoying our very first cigarette there. We both had to work that night, but agreed we’d come back and sleep like hobos on the floor.
I went to work and managed to contain some of my excitement, or at least I think so. I was scared; I’m not going to lie about that. But it happened so fast I really didn’t have any time to think about how it was going to change my life and affect me. Wednesday afternoon I loaded my few already packed boxes in Jo-Anne’s car and dropped them off. I slowly started putting things away, not really having all that much. Just some books, clothes and a few kitchen things, everything else of mine was in storage.
Thursday morning marked Thanksgiving, waking up at 7:30, an hour later than I really wanted too- but having gone to sleep at three in the morning, I needed it. I drove home to pick up Lavandis and his friend Zack. We headed to U-haul to meet Jes and her boyfriend, Joey, there. We rented the truck and Jes parked it in the drive in area. I went to swipe the card allowing me in, and it turns out my father had forgotten to pay the bill on the storage unit.
I swore and got really angry, but after no response when I called home I just paid for it myself. We made quick work of loading what I needed and wanted into the truck and then drove off towards Abbey Dr. We walked into my room and I realized I really had much more crap that I had thought. Jes and I started tossing things in boxes and dresser drawers as the boys carried out my things. When all was said and done, the truck was loaded and we were ready to go.
We got back to the apartment and Jes and I set about moving furniture into the right places as the boys brought them up. Jes needed my boxes so I quickly tried to unpack everything and put it away- I ended up with a massive mess in my room but figured I’d sort it out the next day.
Then I dropped off the boys at Zack's for his family’s dinner while Jes and Joey headed to her old apartment to start packing. That took about five hours and by the end of it we were all tired, hungry and mad as hell. It had been a long day and there was still so much to do.
We drove the truck back and Joey started hauling things in while my Mom and Dad drove Zack and Van back to the apartment so they could help yet again. Once everything was in the apartment I took the boys and the truck and headed back to Crystal Lake.
Now, for those of you who do not live around here and read, the U-haul thing states that you have to return the truck with a full gas tank. This is not a problem, we stopped for gas and I had the boys fill it up. The problem was when I went to start the truck, it would not start. After four or five tries I called my mom panicking not sure what to do or how to deal with it. She told me to wait till tomorrow, to which I quickly informed her I was at a gas station and that just would not do.
Thankfully it started and I dropped the truck off and then the boys and I got in the car and headed to Abbey Dr. to drop them off. I was tired and crabby and just wanted my bed. Although I did ask if I could sleep on the floor at Abbey Dr. just so I didn’t have to get in the car again.
Friday I worked 1pm to close, which is 10pm. So I had a very long day and by the end of it I wanted nothing more than to sleep forever. I woke up on Monday to head to school, where I took a German test and my Biology practical exam. After school I headed back to the apartment to pick up a few things and then off to work for a very long time. Tuesday I lounged about until I had to go to work and Wednesday marked the week of having an apartment and was also a much needed day off. I went to school and took my Biology test, hoping I passed it. Then I headed to Jo’s to help her put up her Christmas decorations.
I got home last night (Wednesday) and invited Gabi over. We made dinner and played some guitar hero until about 9ish and then I crawled into bed after the kitchen was clean. I tried reading, but in the end rolled over and passed out for the night.
Today I woke up around 8 and laid in bed for a half an hour before throwing on my robe and heading to the kitchen to make some coffee. I then proceeded to sit on the couch until noon reading my book and enjoying my cup of java. I finally got up and started to sort out the house. I tried tackling my room first but quickly learned it was nearly hopeless. I set out to attack the living room and got that all sorted and some of the Christmas things settled and what not. Cleaned out my desk drawer and tested all my pens.
Then I migrated to my room where I hung all my clean shirts and color coded my closet (hangers are also half an inch apart, my OCD is showing) and then shoved the box of shoes under the bed. I’ve slowly gone through my things throwing things away or finding a temporary place for them. I have a lamp plugged in where the light switch will turn it on (no more fumbling in the dark with a lighter to find the lamp!) and laundry is slowly being done. All I really have left to do in my room is get a bookshelf (Going to sketch one up and see if my Dad can build it for me.) and get some matching end tables for in here.
Also I have to make my bed, but for the time being my room is clean and cozy. Oh, and I found my missing shoe! I came here wearing my new Balance shoes, but two days in I for the life of me could not find it. I had one, but did not know where I put the other one. I searched and searched and finally asked my mom if she had seen it, perhaps I had lost my mind and left it there... But I found it, hiding in a box in my closet. Silly shoe, get on my foot!
I need to get some picture frames so I can make my room feel more like a room instead of a place with bare white walls. I also want to get something to put my blasted printer on unless I decide to hide it in the closet until I need it, but after a while that would get irritating.
So that is my life in a nutshell. I have moved out, school is almost done with and I’m learning how to clean. (I know, you’re all shocked.) It’s absolutely amazing how when you finally go out on your own, you realize things about yourself that you never really knew. Such as, I hate a dirty kitchen. I don’t like leaving towels on the shower curtain to dry and my personal favorite is that when the sunshine wakes you instead of your alarm, you’re in a much better mood. (I haven’t lowered my blinds since the day I moved in.)
I’m ok. Actually I’m better than ok, I’m doing great. Work is stressful, but I just keep telling myself that if I want to stay on my own, I need to keep going every day. I wish John was here to share my joy as I dance through the apartment as I clean and do my house related things, but he will be soon.
That’s another thing, I have had no net for a week now and I don’t miss it. I mean I do in some regards, because I get to talk to John on something other than the phone (And boy howdy do I hate the phone.) but I don’t miss it. I have books and my video games and I have cleaning and cooking and just plain sitting down and chatting with Jes for an hour after we both get home for work. Things are changing, but it’s all for the better.
So that’s all I have to say for now, I still have 20 minutes before I need to start getting ready for work but I have nothing left to say. Besides according to MS word this blog is already three pages long and 1,655 words. (And counting it would appear.) So I hope all of you out there on the vast internet had a great Thanksgiving and are doing just fine. Me, here in this two bedroom apartment, am thriving.
December 15th 2008
Its officially midnight, well now a minute past. I finished my beer and am now having my final smoke before I curl up in bed to sleep and figured I’d go ahead and write about my adventures at work. I got there early and clocked in. Heading to the front I stared at all the computers I would like and the decorations as well, since I’m very strange like that. I came to the conclusion that I need to buy a container of marshmallow puff before my life is complete.
The next four hours went something like this: Dancing, customer, dancing, dancing, gossip, customer, gossip, gossip, dancing, dancing, customer and break. Customer, dancing, gossip, dancing, informing CSM that I don’t want to zone anything but will pretend to, dancing, dancing, customer. Then after much needed dancing I had a few more customers and we called it a day.
So when I say things like “My job is a joke” I’m being 100% serious.
And now I am home. I have played some Guitar hero, had a beer and am ready for bed. I wanted to read but really have nothing that I could lay down and focus on for more than maybe ten minutes. (Unless it’s a guide to dancing? Perhaps.) So until tomorrow when I get the net (you know, the day you’ll most likely be reading this..) I say farewell and hope all is well out there on the internet, because I haven’t the slightest, I just hope it still exists come morning.
(ps. 4 pages and 1965 words total.)
December 5th 2008
9:44 AM
Well, the cable guy has finally arrived after I dragged my sorry butt out of bed at 8AM. He’s doing the cable first, which stinks because that means I do not have internet yet, but its ok because soon I will have television. He just wandered in here with some cord and clipped it and then wandered away. Jes’ room already has cable so I guess this entire thing is going to happen much faster than I thought it would. Horrah for that, no?
Oh! I made eggs over easy today! I flipped them and everything! No broken yokes for me! Damn skippy, It was delicious. Perhaps I don’t need to keep them on that one side for so long, but I will live and they were yummy with my English Muffin.
But now, I have run out of things to talk about so I’m going to get started on my German Extra credit so that when I finally do have internet, I can sit on it for hours and hours not giving a damn about it or anything else.
1 comment:
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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